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Macron 2021 bonus: details on the payment terms!

Good news for employees! The premium Macron finally renewed for the year 2021. This announcement was made by Jean Castex, on 15 March, on the occasion of the 3 th conference on social dialogue. In reality, this government decision aims to strengthen the purchasing power of workers, eroded by the economic crisis. However, companies must inform themselves about the conditionalities of payment and especially opt for the best management of the payment of this reward. Here is the essential to know about the Macron 2021 bonus.


Before discussing the terms of the Macron 2021 bonus payments, it is necessary to specify its objectives and content. In fact, this allowance was instituted on December 24, 2018 by Law No. 2018-1213 on emergency economic and social measures. It is an optional sum paid in addition to employees, exempt from taxes and social contributions. The staff thus benefit from the gross amount allocated.
Compared to those of previous years, the terms of the Macron 2021 bonus payments have not fundamentally changed. However, slight changes were made, given the economic gloom due to COVID-19. Thus, according to the government press release, the premium ceiling is still 1000 euros for workers whose salary is up to 3 minimum wage. As a novelty, the executive exceptionally authorizes a limit of 2,000 euros per employee if a profit-sharing or method agreement existed in the company.
Notably, the Macron bonus can be paid until 2022 and the tax exemption will also be applied to the rewards paid from the date of the project’s initiative. In addition, the government suggests that second-line employees be given priority when paying these emoluments. These include, among others, cashiers, home helpers, garbage collectors, transport and construction workers. In reality, this decision encourages these categories of workers whose roles have been essential in maintaining the national economy during lockdowns. In short, these new measures make the device even more interesting. Parisian companies will therefore be able to take advantage of this to motivate their employees.
In addition, the payments of the Macron bonus can be a source of social conflict if they are poorly managed. This is why it makes more sense to outsource your payroll. As a partner, choose a reputable Paris accounting firm like Regval. What are our specific services in this area?


Since you have already been informed of the terms of the Macron 2021 bonus payments, you must now master its method of calculation. This makes it possible to pay each employee the exact amount due. However, this task can be complex if the manager does not have the necessary experience. As an alternative, opt for the services of Regval, your chartered accountant in Paris. As such, we guarantee you a personalized service around two axes: payroll and human resources management.
Our Paris accounting firm offers dematerialized management of your payroll thanks to a secure collaborative platform. Indeed, with our background as a Soisy accountant and with more than 40 years of experience, we know how to set up a transparent salary management system. In this context, we generate your digital payslips in accordance with legal requirements. Better, your social charges and declarations will be processed on time. In addition, we make the protection of your employees’ personal data a matter of honor.
In terms of personnel management, Regval also offers you the opportunity to draw up your recruitment policy and set up a company agreement. Among other things, we are also specialists in auditing the social situation and drafting employment contracts. The objective is to optimize the functioning of your Parisian business.